Using Session-RPE with your team

Swedish researcher Gunnar Borg passed away in February 2020 at the age of 92. He is the man behind the...

Case Study: RPE and training load

Guest Author: Cairbre Ó Cairealláin Following on from his previous blog a view weeks ago which looked at implementing a...

What should a coach really know about his athletes to help improve performance?

Communication is key in any coach – athlete relationship. The coach needs to know valuable information from his / her...

How That Little Voice In Your Head Limits Endurance Performance

What makes a top endurance athlete quit?  Not quit the sport, but quit during a competition.  Every runner, swimmer, or...

The Power Of Moving To The Beat

The Power Of Moving To The Beat

If you visit any gym, weight room or running track, you are sure to see the same critical training device...

Learning To Trust RPE For Training Loads

Learning To Trust RPE For Training Loads

Coaches invest hours devising training plans that will push their athletes just to the edge, but not over.  Overtraining leads...

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