Keeping you informed about athlete wellbeing and performance  

Genes in Sport

We have often heard or used the phrase “sport, it’s in your DNA”, yet when it comes to sport, this...

Self Confidence and Performance

Confidence is the essential trait that defines each individual’s hope and faith in achieving their goals, that leads to successfully...

Are you asking the right questions to assess the well being of your athletes?

One of the key elements of athlete monitoring in recent times has been the ability to assess the wellness of...

The Relative Age Effect

The race to produce the next biggest star in sport is a continuous process within professional sport. It’s commonplace to...

Coach leadership and how it affects team performance

When things go wrong for an athlete or a team, supporters can be very quick to point the finger at...

Effective Coaching

Characteristics of an effective coach

It is universally accepted that the role of a coach has a huge influence on sporting success. An athlete may...

Why should you monitor your athletes?

It used to be the case that success in sport was based mostly on natural talent, but as competition developed,...

Can Sleep Improve Your Performance?

Sleep is simply not valued in our 24/7 society. We treat it as a luxury and it’s a necessity. If...

Mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being

Mental-health challenges are becoming the norm rather than the exception for many student athletes. Today’s coaches need to be aware...

Your athlete’s lifestyle affects their performance

The Cambridge dictionary defines lifestyle as someone’s way of living; the things that a person usually does An athlete’s lifestyle...

Optimizing the benefits of athlete self-reporting measures

The increasingly scientific approach to sport means that the modern athlete relies on information from a variety of sources in...

Using Session-RPE with your team

Swedish researcher Gunnar Borg passed away in February 2020 at the age of 92. He is the man behind the...

Educating your athletes about Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is the greatest legal performance enhancing drug that most people are probably neglecting – Matthew Walker Sleep allows your...

Mental Fatigue and Elite Sport

When it comes to success in sport, one of the most enduring questions is how is it that certain athletes...

Making it in elite sport

Across the globe there are millions of young athletes who are dedicating themselves to making the grade in their chosen...

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