Learning from Metrifit: Sport as Preparation for Life

Metrifit Ready to Perform

Sports can do so much. It’s given me confidence, self-esteem, discipline, and motivation – Mia Hamm

Success and Discipline

There is more to sport than just winning

If you want to be successful in any sport, discipline is essential. Both physical and psychological conditioning and preparation are what makes winners. Athletes who turn pro need to up their game in order to compete and this demands increased discipline. But there is more to sport than just winning. This is a cliché, but it is true, nonetheless.

Sport helps to build character and confidence

For amateur and collegiate athletes, sports help to build character and confidence, and this is largely achieved through discipline. For athletes at this level, sport is preparation for life. As with so many other endeavors, self-knowledge is the key to success. Metrifit’s athlete monitoring software gives you that self-knowledge. Acting on the data and insights provided by the software will boost your performance, but it also gives you an appreciation of how physical health determines psychological health and vice versa.

Metrifit will inspire you and instill the notion that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. What better life lesson than this?

Sports create a bond between contemporaries that lasts a lifetime. It also gives your life structure, discipline and a genuine, sincere, pure fulfilment – – Bob Cousy

Sacrifices must be made if you want to be successful

Metrifit also helps to demonstrate that nothing comes without a price and that sacrifices must be made if you want to be successful. Our software requires that you have the daily discipline to input your subject information and make changes in the interest of improved performance. You have to make sacrifices for the team.

Metrifit encourages and inspires dialogue between coaches and athletes

Amateur and collegiate athletes also learn a lot from their coaches about sport and life in general. Many coaches become mentors and friends to their athletes. Metrifit encourages and inspires dialogue between coaches and athletes. It helps to foster a spirit of trust, respect and openness, which hopefully the athlete will take with them when they graduate and enter the workforce.

Sports ideally teach discipline and commitment. They challenge you and build character for everything you do in life – – Howie Long

Hard Work Breeds Success

There are endless small changes and adjustments to be made

Metrifit also instils the notion that there is always room for improvement. That there are endless small changes and adjustments to be made which add up to significant improvement in performance. It is good to know the importance of not being complacent and of pushing yourself constantly.

You need three things to win: discipline, hard work and, before everything maybe, commitment. No one will make it without those three. Sport teaches you that – – Haile Gebrselassie

It turns the focus away from the playing field and on to the lifestyle of the athlete

Young athletes also need to learn to take what they do seriously. Metrifit’s lifestyle profiling feature encourages this kind of thinking as it turns the focus away from the playing field and on to the lifestyle of the athlete, which indicates that things are being taken to the next level. But it is equally important that young athletes learn not to take themselves too seriously. Metrifit’s software requires that personal ego be left behind as athletes subject themselves to monitoring of many different aspects and variables in their life for the good of the team.

About Metrifit

Through our innovative app and intelligent analytics, we are bringing athlete well-being to the forefront of training and performance. Metrifit is an excellent tool to monitor, evaluate and make the right decisions for your athlete’s wellbeing and performance on a day to day basis and to address an issue or potential issue in real time. It helps bring the team together and can be a central hub for education and learning. To find out more visit our Metrifit Product Overview page or contact at sales@metrifit.com for a free demo.

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Why Monitor

Metrifit Athlete Monitoring System
"We started using Metrifit to see if it gave us better predictability and allowed easier monitoring than our DIY excel sheets prior to the Tokyo qualifiers. In a sport where measuring training load is very difficult, Metrifit filled a huge gap in our ability to monitor our athletes’ performance state and recovery. After some months of collecting data I was able to clearly see when to back off and when to keep going with different aspects of the training programme, as well as when to provide extra care and support for our elite athlete – and without a doubt it is much more informative and sensitive than our DIY model, not to mention much easier! Looking forward to the next Olympic cycle with Metrifit as one of our essential tools."

Emma Hawke, PhD Exercise Physiology

Coach - Sweden Climbing, Olympic Offensive - Female Coach Swedish Olympic Committee, Senior Lecturer - Coach education programme (Sweden)

Metrifit Athlete Monitoring System

Emma Hawke, PhD Exercise Physiology

Coach - Sweden Climbing, Olympic Offensive - Female Coach Swedish Olympic Committee, Senior Lecturer - Coach education programme (Sweden)

"We started using Metrifit to see if it gave us better predictability and allowed easier monitoring than our DIY excel sheets prior to the Tokyo qualifiers. In a sport where measuring training load is very difficult, Metrifit filled a huge gap in our ability to monitor our athletes’ performance state and recovery. After some months of collecting data I was able to clearly see when to back off and when to keep going with different aspects of the training programme, as well as when to provide extra care and support for our elite athlete – and without a doubt it is much more informative and sensitive than our DIY model, not to mention much easier! Looking forward to the next Olympic cycle with Metrifit as one of our essential tools."

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